關於guess watch的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
By now, you have probably heard about my father’s red box. Minister Heng Swee Keat posted about it ...
By now, you have probably heard about my father’s red box. Minister Heng Swee Keat posted about it ...
Haters call me “Kim Jong Un” 🖕🏻😎🖕🏻... They tell m...
There are so many things i’d like to tell you. So...
Guess what we were pointing at. Hehe. Watch us pe...
Haters call me all sorts of horrible things... Th...
我最近去台北菜市場用英文買菜 - 我成功了嗎?I tried to use English to b...
New YouTube video up!! Dash reacts to a brinjal/e...
明天就是首映會了! 既期待又緊張,希望到時可以見到你們來為我們加油啦! 而且還可以在播出前搶先看...
我準備了一個很大的驚喜給Dizzy! 你們猜猜我送Dizzy的懷孕禮物是什麼! 快去看最新的EMC ...